But what many fans (including myself at one point) don't realize because they're too busy drowning themselves in the music & going-ons of Momusu, Berryz & C-ute (etc) is that there are SO MANY other idol groups out there. Just watching the performances at TIF and then looking at Morning Musume's latest single, I am seriously going 'what is happening'?!
The outfits are ridiculous and the song doesn't appeal to me in the least. I am a huge Berryz fan, and even the short preview I viewed of their upcoming single has me somewhat disappointed. The PV seems boring. H!P just isn't cutting it for me recently. The only group at the moment that I'm really interested in is S/mileage- they've come a long way! That's why this blog is such an adventure for me!!
Not that I discourage fresh fans of H!P, they are a big part of the idol world and thus must have acknowledgment. But it's nice to eventually take a step away from them, and listen to other groups. I don't only want to blog about TIF participants, but about whatever idol groups I discover and like! Now that I'm out and about, I could never go back to solely hanging on every melodious word from Hello! Project singers.

(subunit Furifuri Idoling!!!)

Only a small portion of each group's performance is shown, thus they are all crammed into one video. It's a bit sad that these lesser known groups don't get as much spotlight as the more popular ones ~ such as Momokuro and TGS. But I bet setting the festival up was a ton of work, and the overall concept of it to "create a flow for new idols in Tokyo" and "form a new relationship between idols and the media" is still awesome.
I am going to be starting with Idoling!!!, which instead of having one performance with all it's members singing 3-4 songs, their company instead had smaller groups perform together. For example, their 4th Gen sang Idoling!!!'s debut song Ganbare Otome (Warai) and a group of eight sang a cover of Morning Musume's The Peace. And thus they appear in more than one 'various groups' video. But I'll be starting just with their part in 05.
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