I felt really lame when I figured it out, because it was glaringly obvious. If you look at the image up there (a screenshot of the video playing on my computer, cause, oh yes, I have it downloaded), in the lower right hand corner above the song's title on the blue/yellow strip it says 'フリフリアイドリング!!!' So it ended up being Furi (フリフリ) performing Giza (ギザギザ) 's song at TIF. In the original PV, I like Fonchi the most, and Miyake second most. All of the girls sound great, but Fonchi's voice is adorably pretty and Miyake's singing is awesome.

In their performance, I like Sakai and Mai the most. Sakai suits Fonchi's part, with her kawaii voice, plus I love her smile. And Mai delivered her solo well, with a good bit of attitude and I like her singing a lot. I think Morita sounds a bit weak but she still gets props for doing her thing, and though Rurika has strong vocals that are enjoyable she didn't wow me.
I really wish you got to hear more than 30 seconds from each group in the video, but there is sometimes the consolation of finding PVs or video footage on YT to view. Especially since the first time that I heard Furifuri sing NA・GA・RA at the Tokyo Idol Festival, it did not appeal to me at all. I was actually sort of 'what the heck is this?' But by tracking down the official full length video for the song, I got a better listen and a chance for it to grow on me.
That's it on Idoling, until their next appearance in TIF. But while checking out their singles, I ended up skipping over their 4th (職業:アイドル。/ Shokugyō: Idol), so I went back and listened to it. Instantly I knew the music from somewhere, but I knew that I'd never watched the PV nor fully heard the song. And then it hit me!!!
K! Mixed. DJ Kirarin☆Snow ☃’s Remix Blog! DJk takes songs by idol groups and makes mashups. Usually it's the instrumental for one song and the vocals from another, and then the order (verse, pre-chorus, chorus, etc) is often switched around, some lines are repeated, and other changes. In a sense, they are re-mixed, but all of the music and vocals are original. Some examples are;
Dream Rival Dreams! ~ Berryz Koubou × NICE GIRL Project!
(vocals from BK's Rival, instrumental from a NGP song)
Kousui no ∞ Power ~ Buono! × Melon Kinenbi
(vocals from Muteki no ∞ Power, instrumental from a MK song)

However my point of focus is on track 14; Polyphonic Experiment in D. It's Berryz Koubou × Buono! × Watarirouka Hashiritai × Idoling!!! With so many groups, instead of vocals from only one, I know that there are vocals from at least three AND the instrumental is from Idoling's 4th single! Am I making sense yet? lol.
The vocals that I recognize are from Rival (BK) and Shokugyō: Idol (Idoling). I'm not sure what Buono or WataHashi songs are used, and unfortunately it's not listed. But without a doubt, Polyphonic Experiment in D is one incredible piece of work. DJk did an amazing job lining up all the vocals and making everything mesh!
It can be a bit overwhelming for your ears and mind, but I think it's sensational all the same. I take turns focusing in on different vocals, as well as just sitting back and taking it in all in, admiring the polyphonic beauty. This is all a bit offtopic, but at the same time it IS to do with Idoling, and I think it's worth a mention.
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