For some reason, I feel like breaking all this Pinkish info into smaller entries, instead of slapping it into one or two. So there isn't much to this one besides minor info + ramblings on the current lineup~
Nakazato Haruna. She is the leader of Pinkish and my favorite member! She's really really pretty, but I'm not shallow; I like her for more than her looks. I think she is a great singer, though I've only heard her solo a handful of times. And I also think that she makes a good leader! She is probably the easiest for me to pick out of the lineups over the years, because her face is easy to recognize. I adore her smile! Not to mention, she's talented.
Haruna is also the longest running Pinkish member. She was not part of the first generation -though her older sister Kaori was- but joined in June 2003. She was a member until April 2009, when she graduated with the rest of the 2nd gen. Then roughly six months later, in October, she rejoined as the 3rd generation's leader. This is a good
video to watch for a sample of her singing.
Nakamura Kana. After Haruna, my knowledge of the remaining Pinkish girls is little to none (mainly because she has the most history in the group). I'm not positive the girl above 's first name is Kana, but I read that it was somewhere (of which I cannot remember now, lol), and I DO know that she goes by the nickname Kanae & that she's 17.
I happen to think she is utterly adorable! When the girls come dressed in yukata's, she's most often seen wearing one in shades of pink (+ white). I've come to associate her with hairbows and sidepony hair styles- both only add to her cute image, and she's got a sweet voice to boot. Once you get past the talking and introductions, you can hear her in
this video.
Yumoto Mamoru. I'm not sure why, but she chooses to go by Aoi (which makes me think of Aoi from Hana Project, lol). As I mentioned, I don't know much because information is
hard to come by. I've even browsed through their blogs, but the girls don't say much about themselves, just about their days.
I'm almost positive that Aoi has two dogs! How's that for information, lol. And I know she celebrated her 17th birthday in September! She's often seen in a black + purplypink & white yukata. (Though sometimes the girls wear different colors, these are just the ones I see them in the most). I really like her singing! She starts off the performance in
this video.
Nishiura Mao. Now this girl actually uses her blog; she writes more per post than the others, and often has pictures of Pinkish at different events included. She's talked some about volleyball (though I don't know if she watches or plays), and I believe she mentions learning to cook once or twice.
Her black yukata with blue, indigo (+ lavender) is gorgeous! She straightens her short hair, but I actually prefer it when she doesn't. I think she's far cuter/prettier. I have gotten a pretty good chance to hear her sing, especially in
this video. She was one of the three to perform at the Tokyo Idol Festival, along with Haruna and Kanae.
Nakazato Kaori. I'm not going to talk about all of the former members of Pinkish, but I feel something should be said about Haruna's big sister. Kaori was part of the beginning generation in 2002, remained in the group when the 2nd gen was added in 2003, and became the leader after Takako graduated in 2004. She graduated along with Haruna, Mami and Mina in 2009, though never returned.
However!! She acted as moderator at the 21th National Lifelong Learning Festival (plus a few other events) in 2009, which Pinkish attended! A moderator is 'somebody who presides over an assembly' ~ meaning she addressed the audience. I believe she also worked with the girls during their rehearsal time. So in a way she still is a part of Pinkish, in the role of helpful big sister, though I don't know how involved she is. (check out
this blog entry).
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